首页 > 言情小说 > 君知我所系卿知我所意 > 第166章 (前世)你以为我想啊?!

第166章 (前世)你以为我想啊?!(第2/3 页)

最新言情小说小说: 重启文明,是我毁灭了人类吗七零嫁知青的甜蜜日常重生缅北:再次踏上逃亡之旅闪婚后,夫人的马甲藏不住了重回人世,人贩子你死定了狸奴怨击碎我,品尝我一生挚爱,只能是你朕的侍卫休要逃快穿:攻略男友的108种方式小馆能容,容天下难容之妖邪兽语十级,百兽生猛对她言听计从婚事被抢:转头随军嫁首长全职闺蜜:有我你还打什么工啊侯府弃妇高不可攀大家都御兽,凭什么你御女神那夜后,顾总他天天缠着我新血恋永恒1001面女尊世界美男多,个个为我泪沾襟

national interests or the rights and interests of others, we also hold them accountable for economic pensation.

3) At the beginning of the auction, I will quote the starting price and the increase in price of the auction target. Bidders who respond to the starting price can raise their license plates, and please raise them above your head.

4) I have the right to temporarily adjust the price increase based on the on-site situation, which means I can increase or decrease it.

5) When the bidders present acknowledge that my markup is too small and are willing to add,, or even1million yuan, please verbally quote the price you have added and hold up your license plate.

6) When two or more bidders at the same price raise their plates, the auctioneer has the right to confirm the first to raise the plate.

7) When the highest price appears in the entire market, I still need to give other bidders three opportunities to increase the price. I will express




